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Service form

Data of company making the complaint

Company name and address: *

Name and surname of person receiving complaint:

Phone to person receiving the complaint:

Date od purchase and invoice number in SANSWISS: *

Data of customer making the complaint

Name and surname: *

Telephone: *

E-mail address:

City: *

Post code:

Address: *

Information about the returned product

Date of acquisition of goods:*

Proof of sale:*

Product name and catalog number: *

Quantity of questioned goods:

Cause of complaint, an accurate description of defects: *

Time and circumstances of the occurrence of defects:

Location of the goods under complaint:

Request of the claimant: *
  • repair
  • exchange
  • service expertise
  • request of missing items
Customer declares that he applies the guarantee:
yes no
* Required fields

Conditions for complaints about SanSwiss products

The warranty period starts when the Buyer takes the goods over from the forwarding agent. All SanSwiss products are covered by the warranty period of five years from the date of purchase. The extended warranty period is granted if conditions as listed below are met.

Warranty period for SanSwiss products:
Shower enclosures: 5 years
Cast marble shower trays: 5 years

Extended warranty period - 5 years
The warranty claim (on repair or replacement of defective products by the Manufacturer) is void in the following cases:

The lifetime of some components, e.g. PVC sealing strips can be shorter than the legal (two-year) warranty period. The Manufacturer will replace these components within the two-year warranty period at its own expense assuming that the customer will do the simple assembly by himself. If it is within the extended warranty period then the Manufacturer will charge for the PVC sealing strips. We quarantee 5 years service life of castor wheels and handles. In case of a claim within the extended warranty period we will ship these components free of charge; the customer will do the simple assembly by himself. Because of the limited availability of original products within the extended warranty period it is possible that the delivery time of these spare parts can be longer than 30 days; however, the Manufacturer will try to make it as short as possible. The Manufacturer reserves the right to deliver a spare part from the current production with similar technical specifications of the same quality.

DuoBad AB
Alstervägen 76,
Tel: 0481-50 562
Mobil: 070-565 04 93